
Local non-profits and municipalities may place a single yard sign, no larger than 24″ x 18″, along Main Street in front of The Fitz. Organizations may only place one (1) sign and signs may only be displayed for up to 14 days at a time. Signs must convey a message of broad public interest, such as sports team registration, marketing of a charity, or advertising an event. Signs may not be political or controversial in nature. The Fitzpatrick Collaborative reserves the right to remove signs at any time for any reason. Signs may not be placed anywhere else on the property.


Local non-profits and municipalities are welcome to have a banner displayed in front of The Fitz to advertise a local event, market a charity, or display a message of broad local interest. The display of a banner is subject to the following:

  • The Fitzpatrick Collaborative will hang only 1 banner at a time
  • Banner time slots are on a first come first serve basis
  • Your banner must be provided to The Fitz at least 5 days in advance
  • Banners must have “D Rings” on all four corners
  • Banners must be of high quality, durable, heavy duty, and able to withstand harsh New England weather and high winds
  • There is a 2 week limit on banner display
  • Exact display dates are not guaranteed

Our team will hang and remove your banner and can provide storage for your banner at our facility. The maximum banner size is 30 feet x 3 feet. The Fitzpatrick Collaborative is not responsible for any damage that may occur to banners while they are being displayed, transported, or stored. We will not replace or repay for any damages or loss.

Please complete the form below to request your banner be displayed. Requests are granted in the order received. Your request is not confirmed until you receive a confirmation from our staff. We limit display to a single banner at any given time.

The organization or department you represent, if applicable.
Is you banner stored at The Fitz? *